In this article, BiasTek will to illustrate step by step to compile the smart contract which will help the reader understand about solidity compiler in Ethereum Blcockchain
1. Environment preparation
Ubuntu 18.04
NodeJS – to run JavaScript scripts
npm – to install JavaScript libraries
2. Install Nodejs and npm
Add Node.js PPA
$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash –
Install Node.js
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
Check Node.js and NPM Version
$ node -v
Output: v13.13.0
$ npm -v
Output: 6.13.7
3. Installing Solidity Compiler
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install solc
$ solc –version
Output: Version: 0.6.6+commit.6c089d02.Linux.g++
4. Compile Voter.sol
$ solc –combined-json=abi,bin,metadata –output-dir . Voter.sol
$ cat combined.json | jq
The output will show like below

$ cat combined.json | jq -r ‘.contracts.”Voter.sol:Voter”.abi’ | jq
The output will show with json format of voter.abi like below

Blockchain Ethereum – Ví dụ về hàm Delegatecall trong solidity
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Blockchain Ethereum (P3) – Cài Đặt Private Blockchain trên nền tảng Ethereum
Install web3 and nodejs
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Đọc sách 2021