- Copy and Paste, share data
Install Guest Additions
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
2. Access Internet
Select NAT Network
3. Access from Host to Virtual Machine
Create new Network Card from Virtual Box: Select File ->Host Network Manager-> create new Network
Select Network: Host-only Adapter
4. Access from another host to virtual box
Blockchain Ethereum – Ví dụ về hàm Delegatecall trong solidity
Blockchain Ethereum (P4) – Kết Nối Các Node Sử Dụng Bootnode
Blockchain Ethereum (P3) – Cài Đặt Private Blockchain trên nền tảng Ethereum
Install web3 and nodejs
Sử dụng Virtual Box
Đọc sách 2021