This is generally the replacement for constant
. It indicates that the function will not alter the storage state in any way
function viewState() public view returns(string) {
//read the contract storage
return state;
This is even more restrictive, indicating that it won’t even read the storage state.
function pureComputation(uint para1 , uint para2) public pure returns(uint result) {
// do whatever with para1 and para2 and assign to result as below
result = para1 + para2;
return result;
Payable functions can accept ether from callers. If sender does not provide ether, call may fail. Payable functions can only accept ether
function payMoney() public payable{
amount += msg.value;
4.Self-defined Modifier
A modifier can be used to change function behavior. For example: modifier could be used to check the condition before the execution of a function. A modifier can be inherited and can be overridden by derived contract.
//create a modifier that the msg.sender must be the owner
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == Owner, 'Not owner');
//the owner can withdraw from the contract because payable was added to the state variable above
function withdraw (uint _amount) public onlyOwner {
Constant is depricated solc 0.4.17, In Remix, you’ll get a warning when you use the old constant
Using pure and view functions allows these functions to consume zero gas, because they are not modifying state.
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Đọc sách 2021